Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Getting on "the Air" as an Author! Show 11-1-2012



Getting on "the Air" as an Author! If you have a book, you want it, and you to be ready to be feature "on the air"--be it radio, TV or blog radio. It's "live time" and you must be ready to pitch your book. Is your book done? Are you still wrGetting on "the Air" as an Author!iting? Or are you in layout, now thinking of marketing it? Your marketing will be 90% of your energy ... and your success... maybe 100% of the success! And it's work... Today's program is all about resources and ideas that are out of the ordinary. Brian Jud is an expert in selling any type of book outside of a bookstore. What are the benefits of being on the air? What are the dos and don'ts? Whats the ideal guest look/act like? Where does an author find the names of producers? How should producers be contacted? And so much more. Every day, authors are featured. Have you been? Would you like to? Another lively hour with Dr. Judith Briles author of Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book Platforms and Show Me About Book