Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Book Selling to Major Companies, Including Walmart 10-04-2012



Don't Leave Corporations and Other Non-Book Retailers Out of Your Book Marketing! Is your book done? Are you still writing? Or are you in layout, now thinking of marketing it? Your marketing will be 90% of your energy ... and your success... maybe 100% of the success! And it's work... Today's program is all about resources and ideas that are out of the ordinary. Brian Jud is an expert in selling any type of book outside of a bookstore. *How to ID prospects for buying your book. *How to get the military to buy and what are the key websites to use. *How to use social media and which ones work best with which types of books. And so much more. Every year, more books are sold to buyers in markets outside of bookstores than are sold in bookstores. And they can be sold more profitably on a non-returnable basis. Are you getting your share of these sales? In this radio show you will discover how to increase your sales and profits. Brian will also tell you how to prospect (search) for corporate buyers. Selling b