Author U Your Guide To Book Publishing

Social Media Publicity Tips 06-28-2012



Are you thinking of promoting your book? Would you like to be successful? Do you know what it costs? Discover online book review sites. Do you know what traditional publicists are all over Twitter? Do you know who you need in your social media tool kit to make it happen? Do you know what doesnt' work? Do you know where your book sales will come from? Would you like to? Have you lost your email address on Facebook account? Here's how to get it back. Savvy strategies on creating a successful contest using Facebook. Get the #1 spot to get a book review online--free. Joan Stewart is the Publicity Hound. Brilliant on social media strategies for marketing and PR. She will show you the ins and out of savvy book marketing strategies in today's social media world. Find her at Another lively hour on Your Guide to Book Publishing with Dr. Judith Briles at 6 pm EST, author of Show Me About Book Publishing.