From The Bottom Of The Record Box

Richard flouts our own rules and brings Nick Cave to the show



Nick Cave, a strange choice for the show, and one that by merit should never be on here, such is his greatness. But actually, that is why he ends up here, it's a paradox, and we're pretty sure Nick would love a paradox. If you have the patience dear listener, then bear with Richard's monologue about his love and admiration for Nick Cave as he introduces one of Nick Cave's best performances. All recorded and released under extenuating circumstances. Alas, we have more than Nick Cave today as we enjoy a beautiful bookend from Tobin with Sister Sparrow. It shows how Richard's mental hard drive is becoming beyond capacity. We also have one man and a guitar, surprisingly from Tobin this week and some old, old jazz from Richard. "That Jamie" joins us with his would-be-wife Elin Hall (oh God you are so lucky Elin) with moon music. It's actually from Iceland, despite Richard's belligerence.