

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Eric Geiger are joined by Brian Dodd, author of Timeless: 10 Enduring Practices of Apex Leaders. During their conversation, they discuss increasing capacity and the importance of quiet times. BEST QUOTES "The main thing I am working on personally is just trying to accomplish everything God wants me to accomplish, and that’s generally a little bit more than I am already doing by myself so I need to do some stuff to fill the gaps." "As people who God has called to be in leadership, we can forget the basics. There are fundamentals that provide the foundation for anybody’s leadership. The number one things that I did last year that gave me the biggest benefits is waking up at 6 o’clock gave me the margin to really focus on my morning quiet time." "There’s leader development and leadership development. Those are two completely different things. Leadership development is acquiring the skills, talents, and abilities to accomplish a task or ass