5 Leadership Questions: A Leadership Podcast Featuring Interviews With Carey Nieuwhof, Craig Groeschel, Matt Chandler, Jen Wi

5LQ Episode 226: More Lies Leaders Believe with Carey Nieuwhof –



In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Eric Geiger are joined again by Carey Nieuwhof to discuss 5 more lies that leaders believe, just as they did on 5LQ Episode 112. This special episode is being broadcast not only on 5LQ, but also on the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast. So many leaders are susceptible to believe things that are simply not true. The question is why do leaders believe these lies and how can they overcome them? If I’m winning at church, but not at home I’m still winning. If I’m winning in the eyes of my church, then I am winning in the eyes of God. I have paid my dues and I deserve this. Either people aren’t being honest with me or people are being honest with me. My secret sin doesn’t matter. BEST QUOTES “If you can’t lead well at home, you can’t lead well anywhere.” “I thought because we were winning at church, it excused everything that happened at home.” “Ministry is a vortex of theological confusion.” “I’d rather win at home and lose at ch