Kenneth Choo | Mother Industrialist On-the-go

Ruchi Parekh: How to Build Up A Positive & Emotional Resilience During A Pandemic l EP079



In this episode, I have invited Coach Ruch who is a Executive/Life Coach, Keynote Speaker and a Lawyer where we will be talking about "How to build up a positive & emotional resilience during a pandemic" Ruchi is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and a Lawyer by training. She helps high-potential professionals build emotional resilience and a positive mindset to get to the next level in their lives, professionally and personally. Her main objective is to help clients move forward and find fulfilment & success in all the roles they play. Expertly guiding individuals through this transition, Ruchi makes her clients feel empowered and accomplished. Her coaching style is results-oriented, ensuring clients experience a paradigm shift that allows them to achieve & maintain their own long-term results. Through unleashing the potential of each human,  Ruchi enables individuals to be the best they can. Ruchi has worked with leaders in various industries including Financial Services, Legal, Me