Faith Over Fear With Jody Paar

Jody Paar – Faith Over Fear – Charese Sailor- Episode 39



While many may be motivated by accolades, awards, and honor, she is most empowered by pushing underserved populations into their purpose. After conquering years of emotional and verbal abuse, obesity, and low self-esteem, Charese Sailor made a conscious choice to live as a victor, not a victim. As a successful entrepreneur, author, and life coach, she is not only intentional about ushering others into dream fulfillment as it relates to business, faith, and finances—she teaches them how to thrive, not simply survive, in life. As the daughter of the late Charlie Sanders, NFL Hall of Famer, her physical and mental fortitude allows her to press past life’s most challenging times—using those stumbling blocks as stepping stones to her next level of success. A community leader in her own right, Charese proudly serves as the founder and CEO of Detroit Has Heart, where she helps families overcome the devastation of loss, the hopelessness of economic disparity, and the trauma of violence. From clothing and food distrib