Quiet Confidence With Dr Tess Crawley

Ep. 59 How Successful Delegation and Your Fees are Related



I’ve had a few conversations this week about delegating. What to delegate, who to delegate to, how to delegate, and all of the feelings that delegating triggers in us.    What to delegate:  * Takes you don’t enjoy (yes, this is allowed!)  * Tasks you never seem to get to  * Tasks that misuse your time  * Tasks that deplete your energy   Who to delegate to:  * People who’ll get the job done (obviously)   * Is there a member of staff who can do the task?   * Do you need to hire admin support?   * Do you need to outsource the task for a fee?   How to delegate:  * Seems obvious, but ask the person to do the task (and don’t expect them to mind-read that you need the job done)  * Show them how you’d like it done;   * Let them get on with doing it   All the feels:   * Feelings of guilt and laziness are common when we’re new to delegating  * Give yourself a pep talk to overcome these feelings  * Remember, the person you’ve