Inspirational Leaders

8: Scaling Up – Verne Harnish Debunks The Process Of Business Growth



This episode features Verne Harnish – internationally renowned business expert, founder of the entrepreneur’s organisation, founder and CEO of ‘Scaling Up’ author of ‘Mastering the Rockefeller Habits’ and his latest book ‘Scaling Up’. In this podcast he discusses his views on business leadership, what companies get right in their approach to growth and scaling up, as well as what it takes to cultivate the high performance culture within an organisation.  You’ve seen a lot and studied a lot, you’ve met some very impressive business leaders across the globe, is there anyone that sticks out as the most impressive business leader and why? A big company example would be Bill Gates, to think today as we are doing this podcast the company Microsoft is worth over $1 trillion, and they are ahead of the Facebooks, the Apples and the Amazons, Bill would clearly be the wealthiest guy on the planet next to Putin, if he hadn’t given away a chunk of his change. The decisions that they have made, the way they have structured