Inspirational Leaders

2: Inspiring Leader Scott Winter – Managing Director, MACH Energy



    This podcast features Scott Winter, Managing Director, MACH Energy Australia ( . With an esteemed career in Mining, Scott has carved his destiny by always being one step ahead. Scott highlights how he started in mining, what set him apart from others in the industry, the importance of finding time to do nothing, who inspires him the most, how he defined his success, how he found the time to study his MBA, daily rituals and what he does to relax. “Always having a 5 year plan sitting ahead of you, and think how can I achieve it within that period. And you may think it’s too hard, but there is so much more in people than you may think. If people are empowered, and I was along the way, you will achieve things.” – Scott Winter We hope you are enjoying the Inspirational Leaders Series. Shaun McCambridge – Inspirational Leaders Podcast Shaun McCambridge is the Managing Director of Stellar Recruitment ( , a devoted husband and fa