Travel Stories Podcast | Stories Of Adventure, Freedom And Backpacking And (currently) Following Hayden On His Motorcycle Aro

S3E8: Travel YouTuber in India - Kristen Sarah with 'Dancing for an Indian King'



Spontaneity is one of the most important parts of having a truly incredible travel experience. Going on an adventure means doing things without thinking, damn the consequences; the best thing one can do is trust their gut and do what feels good. It can turn out badly if common sense is not employed, but trusting your gut feeling when opportunity arises can bring the adventures so longed for. Kristen Sarah of Hopscotch the Globe knows a thing or two about spontaneity, and brings her travel experience along for the ride. Kristen Sarah has a YouTube channel and a blog, but even between all that she manages to continue traveling and provide herself with content. She and Hayden discuss culture immersion, how to make a life fun through travel, and getting into the adventurous side of travel, like through food adventures and sports. Her story, “Dancing for an Indian King,” finds Kristen in Rajasthan, where a drumming class spontaneously led her to a village where anything unexpected could happen - including performi