Academic Woman Amplified

75: What Radical Change in Academia Looks Like



Why do we struggle to find  time to write while the academic establishment requires publications in order to maintain or advance our careers? It’s time for radical change.   Designing your career with intention is a radical idea. Securing your writing at the center of your career is a radical idea. And friends, radical change is what we need in academia! It’s time to move away from the scarcity mindset we’ve been socialized into, and start making decisions from a place of intention instead of a place of fear. To do that, we need to see what needs to change (radically) and then step into our power to make that change. Let’s go! Scarcity vs. Intention We are led to believe that there is never enough in academia. And that we are ‘on’ 24/7. Right off the bat in grad school, there is no time that is off limits. We are urged to find our own funding and told there is no money for anything. This scarcity mindset continues as we move through our careers. The way it manifests:   Never saying no. Any project that might