Everyday Strong Radio

070 Resignation v Acceptance



How much of your life have you resigned yourself to? It looks like thinking, that’s just the way my partner is. That’s just how they do things at work. That’s just how my kid is. That’s just how the world is.  How do you know if you’re resigned to something? By the way you feel.  You’ve stopped resisting or trying to make the situation different but you still don’t like it. You’re not happy about it and in a way, you feel a bit powerless. It feels like a bad taste in your mouth.  Acceptance on the other hand is when we allow the situation to be what it is (and often it’s a situation we’re not so keen about), and we don’t try to change it or protest it. We let it be what it is. But there’s one more important facet that plays a bigger role than you’d expect in terms of being able to accept something rather than be resigned to it. Listen to find out.