Thoth-hermes Podcast

Season 6-Episode 2 – Occult Photography-Daniel Yates



My guest in this anniversary episode is photographer, author, stonecrafter, theologian, witch and devoted family man Daniel Yates ( and we will be talking about existentialism, occultism and art, occult photography in particular, and how those tie in together. Daniel has been dedicating himself for more than 20 years to grassroot research into witchcraft practices in northern England. Having graduated at Liverpool Hope University in theology and religious studies his current postgraduate research focuses on seasonal effects on religious practices in pre-Roman Lancashire. Daniel’s photographic artwork for which he has received a variety of commendations and awards reflects major parts of his research. In June 2011 his art featured in two exhibitions in Liverpool and Manchester and a solo exhibition is scheduled for 2021. Daniel published his first book ‘Arcanum’ in October 2019 at Anathema Publishing (, the second one, ‘Poetica’, followed in Augus