Swami Dhavals Hindu Aaiyyanist Podcast

Everything you need to know break a Curse or a Hex/Spell on you | TaColvian Loka Energy



This podcast will teach you how to remove curses from you using the powerful TaColvian Yantra. It also works against evil spells or hexes placed on you. We will teach you how to use the Yantra,  and give a brief history on what Yantras are so that you are better abled to perform the rituals. This can help you and your friends and family from direct curses (from a Mantrika/sorceror) and indirect ones caused by jealousy and other low vibrational energy. A bit of background: We are the foremost experts in the Dravidian Sciences handed down to us by the great God Murugan Aaiyyan. For more information please join the Aaiyyan World Foundation by emailing us on info@aaiyyan.org or visiting  http://www.aaiyyan.org   If you want to have access to powerful rare Murugan-Aaiyyan Stones, high quality Tala and Loka Yantras, eBooks on Murugan, Aaiyyanist Training Material and more, then please support us on our Patreon site: https://www.patreon.com/AaiyyanistAdmins If you would like powerful Yantras and