Zera Today With Pastor Lorenzo Neal

Black Lives or Black Menticide: What's the Truth for Urban Black Communities



For nearly a decade now, the mantra of Black Lives Matter has come to the forefront of American minds as the media reports more officer involved shootings and deaths leading to rioting and looting of urban areas already impacted by economic plight. This is contrasted by the under-reporting of black homicides against each other even when children or teens are the victims of said crimes where there is much outcry but a scarcity of major mainstream media outside of local outlets. Some would identify the former as a form of black menticide where behaviors and reactions have been carefully and deceptively usurped by powers seeking to maintain control and eventually direct thought behavior for Black America. Is this a form of brainwashing or simply a new narrative of empowerment for urban Black America and how should Black churches and clergy respond to it? Join Dr. Neal as he discusses this and other topics of the day.