Millennial Manhood

#110 | My Medical Bill is What?!?



Paige Carter considers herself to be a Florida-Tennessee hybrid native. Having spent the same amount of years living in both states, Paige would tell you her personality is sunny like the Sunshine State but ‘bleeds orange,’ like many who are alumni of the University of Tennessee. Following a 7-year journey to break into the Human Resources world, Paige has worked in various Human Resources functions on her way to running a Human Resources department for a community bank in middle Tennessee. Before working in the finance industry, Paige worked in the insurance industry focusing primarily on group health insurance and customer service in that field. Paige’s specific interest in health insurance can be derived from having had multiple open heart surgeries in her less than 3 decades of life. Born with congenital critical pulmonary stenosis, Paige survived not having a properly working pulmonary valve when she was born because of timing and luck. Since that time, Paige has devoted much of her time researching an