New Dimensions

Sight And Sound



The human body is a masterpiece of invention and creation, and only God, the Master creator and innovator, could have created something so complex and magnificent. The human body, although crafted from many separate parts, is moving forward in a complex ballet of interactions. Each facet is harmoniously intertwined to fashion us to reflect the image of God. The quality and ultimate success in our life is dependent on our lens and how we use it to gather information. This is composed of what we hear and see. These things work together to impact what we think and perceive and become the engine driving us to make decisions we choose to live our lives by. The listeners of this episode will be inspired to learn from my guest, Ted Winslow, how sound can influence the quality of their daily lives. He is a leader in the field of Sound Healing, having pioneered SoundSyncTech™, based off a foundation of 25 years’ experience in the music industry.