New Dimensions

My Past Is A Mirror



We all have pasts that have led us to this very moment. Everything you have experienced, whether positive or negative, is a reflection in a mirror. Much like the image you see when you stand in front of a mirror, it’s not really you, but a reflection of your perception of how you look. In the same way, your past is not how it really was, but what your mind has interpreted and conditioned you to think it is. br To view things from a mirror can skew your entire perspective of your life. Very often, this prevents God from giving you the best for your life, as your mind and its thoughts have edited opportunities that if you had kept moving forward, would have given you untold blessings, abundance, and joy. br This show will inform, elucidate, and inspire the listener on three levels: 1) to gain an awareness of why they have limitations, 2) to resolve anger, and 3) to liberate themselves through forgiveness.