Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Protect Your Tribe from Invasion on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe



We have reached a crucial point in our history, here in Western Civilization.  And actually: we are at the point where merely saying Western Civilization is considered RACIST!  Does this wake some of you ‘live and let live’ well-meaning folks up??  At long last??This might seem somewhat strange, for a ‘Paleo podcast’, that is all about ancestral health and wellness, to be talking about.  “Politics??  PaleoJay, you are off your rocker- I just want to be healthy, along with my friends and family, and of course my neighbors, who make up my “tribe” in my homeplace!”Well, me too!  And that is why I am speaking out on this today.  The majority of our supposed political “leaders” has totally let us all down!  I am speaking to anyone in Western Civilization, anyone in the heretofore WHITE WORLD.  That is: those peoples who actually built and maintain Western Civilization. And, Western Civilization is in actuality: CIVILIZATION.  For, after all, the civilization created by western people, from the Greeks up to the Rom