Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Sweden's Black Minister of CULTURE Orders Destruction Of Viking Relics, and History on PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe



When I read of this recently, I was more than repelled- I was outraged!  As I’ve said before: if you destroy your own history- that which makes you and your peoples unique- you are committing cultural and racial suicide.  Amazingly, strangely, and disgustingly- this is what Western Europe is doing currently.  They have allowed, no- encouraged- the mass immigration and invasion of their sovereign countries by low IQ invaders from the Muslim world, and Africa!  My only explanation of just as to why they would do such a thing- (It would never happen in those countries and regions that they would not only allow such an invastion of Whites into their countries- but to actually pay them to come over and destroy them??!!)  Who could ever be this stupid?Well, apparently the SWEDES are:  Only Marxism/Liberalism could ever explain such a travesty.  This is all about power for global elitists, and nothing about actual benefit for the people who are living in their own country- that country that was built by their ancest