Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Ancestral Living and YOUR Tribe! PaleoJay's Smoothie Cafe podcast



There is a modern phenomenon in modern times, at least in the advanced, complex, high intelligence European world: the indiscriminate importing of Low IQ populations into Western European civilization.  Think about this from an ancestral perspective: You live in a tribe in northern Europe, but it could be virtually anywhere in the world.  (I just use northern Europe to keep it relatable, since my listeners and readers are vastly of that ancestry.)   Your tribe, as all tribes are, is incredibly focused on defense of its borders, and maintaining its territory!  The world is an incredibly hostile place, and evolution has programmed you to be so focused.  Unfortunately, an Evil King has taken over your lands, and oredered you to aquiesce to his evil dictates!  (In England and Germany this would be an Evil Queen in the present day.)  Dictate number one, crazily: is to take into your tribal lands people who have been your enemies since time immemorial!  Those who have fought you for centuries, who hate you, and onl