
PASST BLASST: Episode Thirteen - 6/2/17



Today's episode is a throwback to June 2nd, 2017. Donald Trump had only been president for a few months, and he was already wreaking all sorts of havoc. The music selections are excellent and eclectic - as this show has always intended. Unfortunately, following the events of Hurricane Hanna, a few things needed to be tended to at home (nothing tragic, thankfully, but important nonetheless). I hope everyone out there is safe and has shelter of some kind. A lot of people, including friends, are at-risk of losing their homes if they haven't already, and some definitely have. Things are really fucked up in the Valley right now. They always are when hurricanes and big storms with a lot of wind and rain hit us from any angle. Going to post a link in the BLASST Blog to a local mutual aid effort that has been created by some friends looking to raise funds for those who have been affected by Hurricane Hanna. You can both donate funds and - if you're from the RGV - apply for funds to be disbursed to you!