
BLASST #62: 10/8/18



This episode is a good one, as usual. Less talking done though due to my car having some troubles and my needing to work on them immediately after the broadcast, which prompted me to do all my post-production work during the show. Sadly, the repairs did not help my car much. I'm pretty sad about that. But in other news, I heard about Kavanaugh later into Saturday (a surprising development in my social media-burnt life cycle) and it's not surprising at all that the people who currently make decisions for this country appointed a rapist to the Supreme Court, and not just because they've already done it once before (looking at you, Clarence Thomas), but because these senators and representatives were elected by people who voted with their interests in mind, people who exist in the same world you and I do, dear listener. It should go without saying that voting matters in every election, but this upcoming election in particular is of great importance to the future of our world as we know it (at leas