Preston & Steve's Fun Size Podcast

This is Why Rob McElhenney is the Coolest Human Being...



Let’s begin with this fact: Mythic Quest is at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Citizen Kane is at 99%. We could talk to Rob every week. In fact, it feels like we have done just that recently. But every conversation is very different; we always new things to discuss, new stories to tell. (are we, like, best friends?) The focus of today’s interview was to promote the CORA for Kids Golf Outing coming up on May 24th. Every year when we talk about how important this fundraiser is to the organization, we discuss how CORA doesn’t just give back to the community, they give everything to the community. Then Rob shared a story that put it in to perspective: it was about his dad working at CORA, now, as an adult, gives him goosebumps. But, as an 8 year old he couldn’t understand why he couldn’t have Jordans. Listen to the podcast and you’ll get goosebumps too. Then, Rob pivoted that goodwill to share an important message to aspiring filmmakers. He clearly stated that if you ever had dreams of getting into the TV/movie indus