Saas Breakthrough

How Growth Gorilla's Content Promotion Framework Drives ROI For SaaS Brands



Meet Alan Silvestri, the founder, and director of strategy at Growth Gorilla - a no B.S. content promotion and distribution agency for B2B SaaS companies.In this episode, you'll hear about the pain points that most SaaS companies have around content promotion and the strategic framework you need to use. You'll learn how to do quality link-building outreach and content injections in SaaS sales pages. And finally, how to think about content backlinking ROI for your business. Lots of takeaways in this episode. Enjoy!Notes:- 03:15 Content Promotion And Link-Building Agency For SaaS Companies- 06:20 Most SaaS Businesses Lack The Promotion Side Of Content- 08:10 The Three Things SaaS Companies Should Focus On For Content Promotion- 10:20 Doing Quality Link-Building Outreach- 11:30 The Four Types Of Website Pages Software Companies Have- 13:05 Doing A Top List Placement Campaign- 15:30 Finding The Right Person, Channel And Time To Reach Out- 18:05 Using Incentives For Placement While Staying ROI Positive  - 20:30 Th