Trading Story: Trading Interviews, Tips & Inspiration For Newer Traders

72 - Trading & Family: What About the Kids?



You’ve got this side project going on? You want to trade. And you know that trading takes time, especially at first as you’re trying to dig through a bunch of definitions you  haven’t heard before and you’re trying to understand things like ‘Shooting Stars’, and trendlines. You want to make this trading thing work but you don’t want to neglect your family. What do you do with your kids when you think you should be studying charts? What you do with that guilt when you’re stuck in the office and they’re knocking on the door? How do you handle your spouse’s concern or criticism about your latest project? I’ll be the first to say, I haven’t figured this parenting or marriage thing out completely. We have three children now, one is out of the home and two are in the home: a middle schooler and a elementary student. I love my kids. Though I’ve been doing it for a while, my wife and I still make mistakes along the way. I can confidently say my mistakes are fewer now than they were even 5, 10, or 15 years ago. As i