From The Bottom Of The Record Box

Exclusive interview with Bayboards and a bookend from this excellent Manchester band



Bayboards are our focus this week and our Jamie gets to chat to the up and coming Manchester home grown talent on today's show. Firstly, Bayboards give us two excellent tracks and a chat. Secondly, Richard is off the foreign shores with his first track of the show from Dr Jazz Dixieland Band. You can find out more about this fully acoustic jazz set up on the show and in the accompanying show notes below. It is a fascinating story. Furthermore, Tobin is off to Somalia for an 80's dance floor shredder of epic proportions. Coming up later in the show we've also got Double Trouble with Romero followed by Jack Oblivian and The Sheiks. Richard is clearly indulging his love of the Memphis music scene again and he shows no signs of slowing down. We've heard rumour there is more from Memphis coming up in Season III. As a result of Richard's love of the avant grade he'll also be introducing us to Volleyball, a new psychedelic collective born out of Pandemic Britain.