Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Cure Athlete's Foot with- a HAIRDRYER! pqtd



I know- this seems hare-brained: cure fungus disease like athlete’s foot with a hairdryer?  I rarely get athlete’s foot, but I have gotten it, periodically.  Along with jock itch, which is basically the same thing, but worse.  At least, more embarrassing, that is… it looks silly to be scratching your feet, but your crotch?  Trust me, you don’t want to be in that situation.And now, you don’t have to, ever again.  Sometimes, technology can be completely beneficial.  Even paleo folks need to drop their flint tools (you know I’m joking here, right?), and pick up a product of modern, paternalistic, White Western Civilization!  In fact, that is what most of the world does, on a daily basis, if they have the option- Avail yourself of White Western Civilization!  For that is what it truly is, and now that we are being demonized by the Leftists all around us, I find it makes sense to stress that virtually all modern tools that make our lives far better are the products of White Western Civilization.OK, that being said