Steve Forbes: What's Ahead

S1E25: The Dynamic Story Of America's Booming Latino Population: Sol Trujillo



First up, Steve shares his thoughts on the central banks and trade.Next, born to a struggling family in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Sol Trujillo, chairman of the Latino Donor Collaborative, has achieved great success. Across his career, he’s headed up major telecommunications companies in the U.S. and around the world. Trujillo points out the Latino community is starting more new businesses than any other group in this country and has incomes rising faster than the national average. As he tells Steve on the latest episode of “What’s Ahead,” Trujillo points out the economic growth potential for the Latino community and details the common-sense reforms that Trujillo says are needed in our immigration system to unlock the true potential of this community for the benefit of us all.Lastly, Steve's "Reads of the Week" are two pieces. The first is by Burton Folsom, "How The Myth Of The Robber Barons Began And Why It Persists" and the second is by Steve, himself, "Pelosi's 'Medicare For All' Strategy Looks A lot Like A Big Wo