Steve Forbes: What's Ahead

S1E20: Optimism In The Face Of “The Bad News Industry”: Matt Ridley



First up, Steve speaks to pressing topics such as oil taking a hit, retail sales, Iran sanctions, continued trade tension with China and the growing strife between Japan and South Korea.Then, Matt Ridley, a journalist, member of the British House of Lords, and author of The Rational Optimist, argues that despite today’s constant influx of negative news, life is getting better at an accelerating rate. Ridley challenges popularly held beliefs about the current state of the world, citing that extreme poverty has been defeated, food production is more efficient than ever, humans are living longer, and warfare is actually on the decline. If there’s one thing the defiantly optimistic Ridley worries about, it’s too much bureaucracy which he sees as an attempt to curb trade and stifle innovation. Plus, hear Ridley’s thoughts on how climate change will actually improve society in the short term and why economic prosperity is even good for endangered animals and the environment.Last, Steve’s “Read of the Week” is two a