Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Abandon Religion at Your Peril on PaleoJays Smoothie Cafe podcast



Religion!  So Medieval, right?Well, yes- and ancient, and paleolithic, and well- every other time bar none!Religion is baked into our DNA!  You can be ‘trendy’, you can deny it completely: but you really can’t, not really.Neanderthals had a religion, possibly moon worship, but we can’t be sure.  They certainly laid their departed to rest, bedecked with flowers for the next world). What we can be certain about is that any people who denied a higher power (think NAZI’s and COMMUNIST’S) - well, they wound up in a nihilistic NIGHTMARE, where in the Nazi’s case they started to worship strange paganistic rituals,  and in communism (and Nazi socialism too, come to think of it) they started in on dictator worship instead: (Stalin and Hitler and Mao to name a few worthies).Our very species evolved with a notion of a higher power- a GOD.  Usually  matriarchal in the beginning, (the Moon), but then evolving into a patriarchal, SUN god over time.  It is in our very DNA- deny it at your peril.  Go ahead: deny that there i