Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Do NOT Eat Vegetable Oils!



One place that folks who strive to eat healthy fall down at is in their consumption of vegetable oils- corn, soy, canola- the list goes on, and they are all basically really bad.  The big one I notice is margarine, which is actually worse than just the fake oil it is made from, since the hydrogenation process it undergoes to make it solid loads it up with trans-fats, which are the worst fake fat of all!   Outdated fake science from decades ago assured us that vegetable oils, such as Crisco, which is made of cottonseed oil, for God’s sake!- is really healthy for us, because it wasn’t loaded with cholesterol.  Well, it’s not healthy for us, not at all!  Vegetable oils of all sorts are now eaten in huge amounts, mainly because (drumroll!) they are cheap.  So all makers of crappy processed foods like cakes and pies and other really junky foods load them up with these fake fats.   But what do vegetable oils, or as I more accurately like to call them- industrial seed oils- do to your body?    These fake, unstable f