
BLASST #65: 10/29/18



Here we have the first official Blistering Listens & Strange Sounds Thank You episode dedicated and painstakingly curated for a Halloween audience, since Halloween lands on this coming Wednesday. Technically if you're reading this, that's tomorrow, so let that be noted. I'm really not looking forward to having my neighborhood filled with cars--making it impossible for me to park and get into my apartment, but you know what's worse than that? The US' delivery of military forces to the border, further militarizing an already militarized zone, in response to the incoming wave of Central-American refugees seeking shelter in the United States from the dangers of their homelands (which were orchestrated in large part by the United States). I honestly don't know what to say to a situation like this. The RGV will become a very tense place once again, no doubt we will also be filled to the brim with journalists from every publication imaginable spinning this story for their respective