Academic Woman Amplified

81: Using Writing As An Organizer



Did you know writing can serve as a tool to help you organize your whole career? If you need a way to organize your thoughts, your time, and your career, it all starts with writing!   Writing is so much more than “currency” in academia. Writing and publishing does help you get, keep and develop your career, but it has lots of other benefits too. One of the ways writing helps you as an academic is by acting as an “organizer” in three main areas.    Writing Is An Organizer For Your Thoughts I’ve created a lot of content over the years as an academic writing coach. Before that I wrote and published academic articles as a tenured, full professor. And yet, the long form writing I’m doing for my book has taught me so much about my own best practices, and helped me clarify my thoughts and ideas around this topic I’ve been working on for years!    A poem by Antonio Machado puts it beautifully: “...wanderer, there is no road. The road is made by walking.” And through the process of writing we discover and develop our