Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Your DNA Defines Your Tribe



In this era of Globlaism and the idea that ‘we are all the same’, the realism of the ancestral lifestyle shows us how inaccurate such ideas really are.  Our ethnic differences, in other words are true diversity in the type of human that we are defines us.  If you are of European descent, for instance, or white Caucasion, you are a part of what is the smallest ethnic tribe on earth, and shrinking.  Our birthrate is below replacement level, and growing smaller.  The white ethnic tribe is gettling ever smaller in numbers, despite controlling large areas of the world’s land mass.  Asians are the largest ethnic group, but their numbers are finally getting under control, due to strict birth control and planning.  The numbers of East Indians, blacks, and other mixed races are exploding far beyond carrying capacity in their native lands, with no slowing in sight!Why do I bring this up?  Well, humans are tribal by their very nature.  We thrive in homogenous tribes, amongst others with like minds, values, histories, an