Academic Woman Amplified

82: What the Bros and Dudes Don’t Want You to Know About Academia



The bros and dudes--you know, the archetype that academia was built for? Here are 5 things about academia they don’t want you to know. When I talk about bros and dudes, I’m hoping you got a little giggle, but I also hope you understand who I mean. This is the stereotypical model professor that the academic system was built for and based on. This is the reason that academia needs to change. So I’m sharing 5 things they don’t want you to know, so you can shift your mindset, choose your own path, and design a career you love. 1. There is more than one way to be successful. You don’t have to accept the ‘traditional’ path to success that the patriarchal, racist, ableist system has laid out. You get to define what success means to you, and then design your career to take your own path in getting there. The way we go about this in my programs is through putting your writing at the center.   “There are multiple paths to success, and you get to choose the one that you take.”   2. You have more power to change your car