Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Yellow Glasses are PALEO! on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day podcast



Sleep is very, very important! For all of us, paleo, keto, low carb, livin la vida- whatever.   Sleep is at least as important as proper diet!I hope you know the basics by now of ‘sleep hygiene’, but then again I realize most average people don’t-  You need to sleep in total darkness; if you live in an urban (meaning lots of lights left lit all night) area- you need blackout curtains!  Even a slight amount of light after dark will disturb your all important circadian rhythmns.  You need all electronics (especially a TV in the bedroom!) out of that bedroom entirely.  If you have a nightlight, make sure it is with a red bulb.  Like in an old-fashioned darkroom- this will not disturb your circadian nightime settings, like any light with a blue light spectrum.  Like any white light.And there is one more thing you can do, that is really important- wear blue blocking lenses or else just don’t look at screens before bedtime.  Read a book or take a walk on a dark rural road before bed (like I do).   Read one of my bo