Travel Stories Podcast | Stories Of Adventure, Freedom And Backpacking And (currently) Following Hayden On His Motorcycle Aro

S3E9: Digital Nomad Family - Paul Kortman with ‘Why You Should Never Trust Google Maps’



Many people share the same dream - the yearning to sell everything you own, buy an RV, and just drive. Just live, just be, and enjoy the freedom that comes with that nomadic lifestyle. Hayden lived that way as a child, and Paul Kortman lives that way now. He and his family of six live in an RV, traveling around America and Mexico, making Paul a veritable fountain of knowledge and wisdom when it comes to RV-ing. Paul visits Hayden to discuss his digital nomad lifestyle, how he decided not to settle and why he thinks nobody else should have to, and what the benefits of his nomadic lifestyle are. Paul also talks about how important it is to find a balance with those you travel with, and answers a few crucial questions one might have if they were thinking about becoming location independent. Paul also shares his story, titled “Why You Should Never Trust Google Maps,” which takes place in Mexico in his RV and features a 57-foot-long rig, a steep slope that might be a bit more than Paul and his RV can chew, and a G