Diocese Of Arlington

Fr. Jacques Philippe speaks at St. Mary Old Town Alexandria



Renowned author and speaker, Fr. Jacques Philippe, spoke on "Personal Prayer & Deep Relationship with God" at St. Mary's on March 10, 2017. With over one million copies sold in 24 languages, Jacques Philippe’s writings on themes such as prayer, interior freedom, and peace of heart have become classics of Catholic spirituality. About Fr. Jacques Philippe: Jacques Philippe was born on March 12, 1947 in Lorraine, France. After studying mathematics in college, he spent several years teaching and doing scientific research. In 1976, he met the then recently-founded Community of the Beatitudes and answered the Lord’s call to follow Him through this vocation (see below for more information on the Community of the Beatitudes). He then spent several years in Nazareth and Jerusalem immersing himself in the study of Hebrew and the Jewish roots of Christianity. In 1981, he traveled to Rome to study theology and canon law, was ordained a priest in 1985, and began his work as a spiritual director, working in the formatio