Strong By Choice

Ep 2- Developing a Growth Mindset in Business



The ladies dive into the mindset required to thrive as an entrepreneur in business. - Accepting current and past situations but not allowing your circumstances to define you. Know your strengths and weaknesses and be ok with that. Operate in your strengths.- Growth mindset: educate yourselves     * Seek mentorship     * Books     * Podcasts- Affirmations: become the person you want to be NOW. Speak light into your life. Attack your insecurities. - Failure: Fail early, fail often, fail forward. Be bold about your intentions. Decide what you're going to do and take massive action. - Perseverance: failure in inevitable to some degree. Every experience is a lesson. Cannot allow fear of failure to keep you stagnant.Follow us Subscribe on iTunes and Youtube!!Instagram: @strong_bychoiceFacebook: Strong by ChoiceYoutube: Strong by Choiceemail us