Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Endless Supplement Racket is Destroying Ancestral Health on Paleo Quick Tip of the Day



I kind of hate to even bring this up… But only Kind Of!It is a story that needs to be told, despite the implications:  most of the supplements endlessly recommended and actually shilled by those in the ancestral lifestyle are unnecessary.  There, I said it.  When good health becomes dependent on people being hooked on artificial supplements, why then it becomes just another marketing gimmick!  Just as conventional, AMA big pharma recommended modern medicine, which is largely based on ‘science’ that is 50 years out of date (low fat- high carb nonsense)-Paleo, and increasingly the primary buzzword of KETO are being dominated by the necessity of marketing.  That is: selling endless amounts of expensive supplements!  If you are seeking lifelong health and fitness, this is not the goal you should be seeking.  We need to get back to basics here, to what drew me (and everyone else) to the pristine essense of the ancestral, Paleo Lifestyle in the beginning:EATING REAL FOOD!That, my friends, is the paleo diet in a nut