Paleo Quick Tip Of The Day

Gluten Free Junk is Still- JUNK!



The big trend now, and one I applaud, is to go gluten free! Gluten, which is in all wheat products, is bad, especially since modern wheat has been so modified to be overloaded with the stuff, which has all sorts of bad effects. It can distress your gut lining, and will, if you eat enough- and if you are ‘gluten sensitive’, which most people are these days- it can cause leaky gut. This is where food particles can gain access to your bloodstream, and cause you to get autoimmune diseases- little things like arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease and cancer, just to name a few… You don’t want leaky gut, and so that alone is a good reason to avoid gluten! BUT- don’t just blithely run through the Gluten Free section of the grocery (which has become very prevalent as of late), grabbing armfuls of gluten free cookies, cakes, and pastries! Because, well- they are still cookies, cakes, and sugar loaded pastries!! They are still highly glycemic, and very, very unhealthy, despite being free of gluten