E-com Sales Tax

Podcast Interview with JP McAvoy with The Millionaire's Lawyer Podcast



Quick-Show Notes:In this episode of The Millionaire’s Lawyer, JP, Jason Parr, and Paul Johnson discuss:Jason and Paul mention how things have greatly changed in the Tax world over the last few years.E-Commerce has made a great impact on how the government and states are looking at taxing businesses.Sales TaxTax on a transaction6% to 12% depending on the jurisdictionDifferent per stateHuge deal, aka, Margin Killer, if the sales tax is unpaidCan ruin selling your business should you not be compliantIn 2018 there was a Taxation case in the Supreme Courts in regards to where corporations are required to be registered and compliantJason and Paul state how important it is to have confidence regarding your taxation and make sure you have all jurisdictions covered in which you may be collecting tax.Collaboration builds confidence, outsource what you are not an expert in“What’s Next?” CallDo I have Nexus?Is what I have taxable in that jurisdiction? / Fully-taxable or partial?How do I sell?Market place FacilitatorIf yo