Music Business Facts- With Rodney Holder

83. Satchel - Lead Guitarist for Steel Panther



My expert guest today is Satchel- lead guitarist for the very talented and incredibly funny American parody glam act Steel Panther. I’ve got to admit that this is definitely the most politically incorrect episode of Music Business Facts ever, but it was a lot of fun to interview this guy. Satchel’s real name is Russ Parish and I did inquire if he’d be interested in doing a “serious” interview, but he wasn’t, so when I realised that I’d be speaking with the character “Satchel” I thought I’d have a bit of fun with it and have a bit of a crack at comedy myself. So don’t take this episode of the show too seriously! Although, there are actually a couple of good music business facts in this interview, most of it is just a bit of fun so I really hope you enjoy it. Steel Panther are touring Australia next month in June. If you haven’t seen them live before they are an excellent band, kind of a cross between Motley Crue, Skid Row, Van Halen and Rodney Rude- It’s a great show and if you like your 80’s metal performed f