Ten Minute Podcast

TMP+ - Late Night Chats with Chad - Ep. 6



We got Chad! We got his helpful sidekicks, Tommy and Will! We got some terrific callers! Sounds like we got ourselves all the elements necessary for some Late Night Chats with Chad! Late at night is the best time of night for Late Night Chats with Chad! And you better believe Chad’s late night sidekicks, Will and Tommy, are also up too late at night! They’re great sidekicks and they love to chat with Chad, who is the host of Late Night Chats with Chad! Chad loves to chat with our loyal listeners about anything and everything! It’s so late! So so late at night! Good thing though, because that’s when Late Night Chats with Chad gets Chad chatting with anyone and everyone who’s up late at night! Don’t forget about Tommy and Will though! They love to chat late at night too! Which is a good thing! Because it’s time for Late Night Chats with Chad! Don’t forget about Chad too! And Will and and Tommy! It’s Late Night Chats with Chad! Don’t forget! It’s Late Night Chats with Chad! Don’t forget about Tommy and Will! Do
