All In Podcast With Daniel Giordano

27: Transforming The World with Stuart Tan



Stuart got to where he is today because he was really bad in school at one point! As a young kid, Stuart was failing school-in Singapore. Culturally, there is a lot of pride in doing well academically in Singapore and it was really quite the shock that, not only was he not doing well, he didn’t seem to care. He really hated studying and just wanted to ‘get by’. His mom got so worried about school that she enrolled him in some enrichment classes. That’s where things started to change for him and put him on the path that would become his future. Those classes gave him a new-found interest in learning and he started doing so well that one of his classmates thought he was cheating! Stuart told him he made a turn-around because of the extra classes and offered to teach him the same. That first experience of sharing what he was learning, something that someone else could also use to improve, is what set everything in motion. Not surprisingly, he became involved in teaching personal development. He was aligned with