All In Podcast With Daniel Giordano

25: Blogging Your Passion with Jonathan Milligan



Jonathan Milligan had no idea he’d be doing what he’s doing today. He tells his son to keep his eyes open because this generation will create the jobs and opportunities that didn’t even exist as options when Jonathan was in school.   Both of Jonathan’s parents were teachers, so being in the environment, teaching was a part of him as well. After college, he also started out as a High School teacher and coach but only stayed in that position for three years. He loved teaching but the context was wrong for him-it was too structured for his entrepreneurial spirit.   He took time off to ‘figure it out’, getting a night job in a call center for nine months. He read all there was on starting your own venture but didn’t put anything into action. Finally, he felt that he was ready to go fail at something, because even failure was progress compared with being paralyzed from inaction. His first round as an entrepreneur found him ‘flipping’ a house. Although he made a decent profit, he realized that was not his calling.