Holbrook New Media Audio Feed

Hank Aaron & Christopher Walken -DOTM007



Hank Aaron “You can only milk a cow for so long, then you’re left holding the pail.” What kind of plans have you made for the future? Do you expect everything to go as it always has, or do you have plans to cope with pitfalls you may eventually face? Many things could happen to change your current status. Loss of your job, a health issue, a drastic increase in utilities, taxes or fees, or even a lawsuit or divorce can make a sudden shift in your ability to cope with your circumstances. As Mr. Aaron put it, do you have another cow if the one you are currently milking runs dry? Having a backup cow in the barn is a really good idea. In our last episode of Daggers Of The Mind, a quote from George Takei was featured. In his book “ To The Stars”, he said that as soon as he was earning some money acting, he began buying real estate rental properties. By its very nature, acting doesn’t always give a steady paycheck, he wanted a more stable form of income while being free to accept and turn down roles as he saw fit. A